"It's what I've always wanted to do, to show the laughter, the fun, the joy of dance." ~Martha Graham

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

To a Special Friend...

Today is the Birthday of a VERY special friend
One whom I can't say I know
but she is a girl that will be a close friend forever
Now here I will show

She is special, she is pretty
She does wonderful Photography
She is sweet, She is amazing
She could write a great Biography

She loves Dolls
American Girl, Life of Faith, and Ginger Brook Hollow
I'm sure there are more
More than I can swallow

She sings like an Angel
her voice makes me happy
Her kindness, and patience,
They never get Snappy

She is always patient
like I just said
During lame poems
like the one being read

She is turning Fourteen
Today, I believe
I wanted to get something special
Something to retrieve

I couldn't think of anything
that would ever do
To help her understand
How ever special are you

This girl is really wonderful
I love her yes I do
Her name is Quinlyn Caroline
She is amazing and ever so true.


  1. THANK YOU JASMINE!! When I saw your blog I literally went :O! The poem is so sweet!

  2. please post something new!



Please leave a comment! I really appreciate it! Have a great day!
