"It's what I've always wanted to do, to show the laughter, the fun, the joy of dance." ~Martha Graham

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Definitely on the Angel's Side

Just wanted to say real quick, I am hoping that it WON'T snow. My little brother and I were bored, so I was telling him about the goofy snow superstitions. He thought it was really funny and wanted to do the main 5. So let's just say, I followed him around for 30 minutes watching him:

1. Flush ice down the toilet
2. Put a white crayon in the freezer
3. Put a spoon under his pillow
4. Put his pajamas on inside out
5. Run outside (with his pajamas inside out) and do a snow dance.

Since I don't want it to snow, I:

1. Flushed a glass of water down the toilet
2. Put a black crayon in the freezer
3. Put a fork under my pillow
4. Put my pajamas on the right way
5. Ran around my living room and did a DON'T snow dance.

His dance chant goes like this: Hoonga Hoonga Hoonga HA!   LET IT SNOW! LET IT SNOW! Hoonga Hoonga Hoonga HA!   LET IT SNOW! LET IT SNOW! Hoonga Hoonga Hoonga HA!   LET IT SNOW! LET IT SNOW!

Mine was: Hoonga Hoonga Hoonga HA! DON'T LET IT SNOW! DON'T LET IT SNOW! Hoonga Hoonga Hoonga HA! DON'T LET IT SNOW! DON'T LET IT SNOW! Hoonga Hoonga Hoonga HA! DON'T LET IT SNOW! DON'T LET IT SNOW!

Obviously I don't really believe in superstition (neither does my brother), we were just doing it to be silly, and I'm sure we will both say a prayer tonight for it to either snow or not.

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