"It's what I've always wanted to do, to show the laughter, the fun, the joy of dance." ~Martha Graham

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Last day of intensive :(

I'm sad to say, that yesterday, was the last day of dance intensive.

It was really good though! We started out with a 1 hour rehearsal to practice our Chinese dance, and out rep dance. That was a little crazy... Let's see how short I can make the story.

So the Chinese dance music was ONLY on the computer. So the teacher plugged her ipod into the computer, but it wouldn't read her ipod. So then she grabbed a blank CD, but it would read either. So the teacher rapidly searched and asked all of us if we had an ipod or blank CD with us. Nobody did, but one girl had some at home, so she spent 15 minutes calling her mom and trying to tell her mom where the CDs were. The girl's mom brought the disk 15 minutes before the showing. So, that was crazy.

Our rep rehearsal was pretty good! Only two of the pairs did the partnering at the end. I wanted to do the partnering but my partner didn't so we didn't.

Then we had Jazz class. We mostly just finished our Airplanes dance.

The showing was great! First we did our Chinese dance, then we did our rep dance, next we did our Jazz dance, and finally we did our ballet demonstration. Basically, what we did, was my group did a tendu combination, then we did a pirouette combination, then the other group did a pirouette combination, then we did a grand allegro combination, then the other group did a grand allegro, and finally, we all did a reverance.

I think it went really well!!!!!!


  1. Hi! I hope you'll check out my online, Christian magazine for tween/teen girls: http://bloommagazine.webs.com. I would love it if you become a subscriber!!!

  2. Too bad dance intensive's over, but it definitely sounds like you had fun.

    I had a lot of fun at pointe on Tuesday. My teacher's hilarious! She showed us how she can't do first position because her calfs are huge.

    (Alrighty, bear with me, I don't know how to spell any of this stuff, so I'm just gonna sound it out.. lol)

    We were doing ron-da-zhoms (spelling fail) and we were practicing doing them on rel-oo-vay starting with an air-oh-besk and going around. My teacher said that we need to keep our hips straight. Then she showed us what NOT to do. Halfway through she said that if we slouch, we will look like a male dog going bathroom. Then she doubted herself and we had a big discussion on how male and female dogs pee differently.

    I love dance! :D

  3. HAHAHA! Hannah, that's hilarious! My ballet\Pointe teacher is very similar to yours!

    By the way Hannah, I could understand EVERYTHING you said! My spellings aren't great either, I usually have to google them...

  4. Yay! I'm glad you could understand what I meant! I didn't feel like looking them up, so I limited which words I used... lol.



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